I know everyone thought I fell off the face of the earth. Nah, not really. Just working a lot. We had a small but nice Christmas. I hope everyone's was just as nice. Judging by all the blogs I have read over the last week, everyone did!
Okay, Pammy Sue, the title change has happened. I am so creative! From "Renee, spear401" to "Renee's Crochet...". Nobody seemed to like my original blog title, from my husband and son to others who shall remain named! LOL!
As per my last post, I hadn't decided on a design for the fifth square for my afghan; and I wasn't happy with the blue one. So I have reworked the blue. It actually lays flat by itself, with no coaxing whatsoever!
The design for the last square I finished yesterday, just yesterday! It's pink with the burgundy. It's a granny square variation I call "Framed Flower'. Photos tomorrow. I know I am soo lazy. But it's late. I'm whiny, too.
Guess what? I didn't get the afghan finished in time for Christmas 2010, so maybe I won't feel so rushed in order to get it done for Christmas 2011. LOL.
I am wishing everyone a most wonderful and safe new year. May we crochet and craft all year long!